3, Proposed National Security Gouncil Special Committee
A draft (AEC 348) of a proposed directive from the National Security

Counell to the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman, AEC, which had
been circulated prior to the meeting was considered.

The draft directive, .

if approved, would require preparation of a joint study of the scale and
effort required to increase production of fissionable material during the —
immediate future and its relation to requirements for facilities and

manpower under conditions of partial or full U. S. national mobilization,
After discussion it was apreed that preparation of such a study would

be appropriate at this time and no objections were expressed to the draft
directive as written, |
4, Raw Material 5

Future Allocations

The Commissicn informed the Committee that on 8 June 1950

they had transmitted a letter to the Secretary of State, as Chairman
of the Combined Policy Committee, expressing their concern >

relative to the status of allocations of raw materiais and pointing out

that in the near future action was necessary to secure allocations on

a longer term basis. |


The recent request from the British Member of CPC for
consideration of an interim allocation for 1950 of 505 tons of contained
U30g was discussed. It was agreed that this matter should be a part
of considerations of longer term allocations referred to above, Mr,
LeBaron advised the Cornmission that he would inform Mr. Arneson

of the Defense Department's views in this regard,

Protection of Shi:-kolcbwe

Mr, Dean read a draft letter which had been prepared for trans~

mission to the MLC concerning security of the Belgian Congo and
pointed out the Commission's concern relative to the possibility that
importation of ore from that source under emergency conditions might

be denied unless some action was taken to find alternate means of

Mr, Dean also read a letter which he proposed to trans-

mit to Mr. Sengier (Union Miniere du Haut Katanga) which raised
~ 27 ~

Select target paragraph3