Jamea L. Liverman






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Th ro
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Z- badly in need of general medical cars, apart
entirely from any real or imagined radiation
In the past, wherever the Brookhaven medical team has visited it has,
ons purely humenitarian basis, attempted to look after the general
condition of health of the population - including evan those who have

hed no exposure whatsoever.

Should this humanitarian service agein

be extended to the Bikini people, I recommend that it be made clear
to the District: Administrator and through him tc the counsal for the
people of Bikini and the Bikini pecple themselves, that the program

is just that; a voluntary humanitarian service which is being provided

at the request of the concerned individuals. We should aise take thiz
opportunity to expleis the distinction between medical examiinaiions and
bio-agsay procedures.
Dr. Conard infornmisa me that he would be willing to extend hie Sprizg

1975 visit to lacluda a = sick cali‘ visit to Bikini ,; rowided he is invited

tc do wo by the people themselves. I strongly recommend that every
effort be mede te ds ao, subject of course, to concurrence of the
Office of General Counsel.

NY is prepared to support this activity with axisting rescurces and ty
aseist with the accompanying information program.
4 copy of my interim reply to Mor. de Brum is enclosed.

nate a subsequent reply with your staff.

I will coordi-

Orginal So. oo by
Cree 7


Roger Ray, Assistant Manager
for Environment & Safety
nc losuregt
1. Lir., Distad de Brum/ Rey,
data i-t4-76, wench.

2. Ltr., Ray/Distad de Brum
dtd 1222-76


Select target paragraph3