Status Report, Clecusp of Hikind Atoll (U)

, 8 MSY 1803

to the natives or interfere vith their ovriculturel use of the laad,
as a prerequisite ta resetticnent, end referencos d and e designated
Director, Defense Atonie Support Agency (DAZA) os the DOD aad AFC
Project “enager for this operation, Funding in gxsounts of $500,000
@ach frow AEC and DOD wore provided to support cleanup operations
commencing in FY 1569, with 8700 C00 to be provided by the Department
of Interior in FY 1070 to corplete this task.

3, A combined military end civilisn-contractar Task Group under
Comsonder, Joint Tork Forco EICLT QJ7P-8), DASA, comprising 23 men with

@yulpsont, landed on the Atoll by ehip on 18 February 1569 and began the
cleanup optration, By 23 February en alr strip was operational and
giified for Lalitary Atrhizt Cound fight orsrations,


The Bikini Tesk Group currently oworises @ total of 40, of whoa 17

ere military.

Tho work ff procecding estisfactorily,

Ag ef now it is


. #pproxisately £53 conuplete, which is sufficient to afford a realistic
eppratsal ami definition of the overall tesk. No sigsificant operational
eifficulties bave toca exsortenced end none ere forserst, A cotailed
listing of kaown clentuy itess, vith planncd disposition, is beins
prepared 25 a besis for inter-spency concurrence on the coupletion of
the ATC-POD taska, Preseat estisste ig that the lattor can bo corpletod

by Octohor 1369 if tha nocesnary additionnl fuws in the amount of

$700 ,00O are aveilzble by 1 July 1833,


Specific coment on the funding situation and requirexentsa will be

the subject of separate correspondence,



Chairuan, JC



Select target paragraph3