expansion beyond this limited involvement méant they would not be able
supply such materials.

The people's confidence was gained by dealing with them as people
and not just someone ona list. A close doctor-patient relationship was
created. More time was spent on each island and the people treated equally
with no selectivity.

Public health personnel accompanied the trips to

provide direct people contact and to assist in the examining room with

translations and patient procedures. A young Marshallese laboratory technician
was also utilized to improve patient relations. The response from the people
was overwhelming. Brookhaven, although enjoying the good work, still
responded that the project was still research directed and that general health

care responsibilities were up to the Trust Territory.

The resident physician

could only assist in providing general health care but not take responsibility

for such work as part of the Brookhaven program. As a clinical physician I
could not operate a health care program one handed. I could not diagnose
a problem and then respond by saying it is not my responsibility, but
Trust Territory to take care of it. Especially, when 1 knew I could manage it

better than the Trust Territory ‘health system.
A close check would reveal that ERDA had funded a general health
care project during my year as:resident physician as that was the priority
need of the neonle_ Tt accomrlished the same results as ing old narrow

research program but achieved more in that the people got better care and it
developed a better response from the people.

The Marshallese people have become remarkably sophisticated over
the past few years.

The American political and economic systems have taught

them the importance of the dollar as well as giving them aspirations for
better homes, food, health care, and employment.
as "children" as was the opinion of some people.

They are not to be viewed
Their aspirations will

continue to increase in the future.
The medical project that is conducted in the islands should be the
best one the U. S. government can provide. At present that does not occur.

The people feel that the United States has a moral and legal responsibility to
provide care for them as a result of the fallout accident.

operate free of interference from Washington or Majuro.

The program should

The desire of Drs.

Conard, Knudson, and Kotrady is an intense effort to improve the quality and
quantity of medical care delivered to the people.

Physicians in the past

have supported general health care efforts but have been stymied by the lack
of official sanction and limited assistance. I chose to ignore the rigid
policy and in doing so demonstrated that a better program could be
accomplished in the islands.



Select target paragraph3