-6clearly identifies individuals in the Rongelap population who are not
following the recommended dietary restrictions on eating coconut
crabs from certain locations.
and 241

Body burdens of 99s,, Oy, 239, 240 Bu

Am are estimated by the radiochemical analysis of urine samples.

Urine sample collections and whole-body counting will be performed
every 1 to 2 years at Bikini and Enewetak Atolls when the people return, and every 2 to 3 years at Rongelap Atoll until the results warrant
less frequent measurement intervals.

_Marshall Islands Radiological Kllowup has consisted of intensive en-

vironmental studies at Bikini, Enewetak, and Rongelap Atolls to gather
radiological data on the external radiation environment and on radioactivity in food chains.

Radiation and radioactivity levels in these atolls

are being reduced with time.

These changes are monitored in annual

or bi-annual environmental surveys.

Updated information is used to

make conservative estimates of population doses and dose commitments.

When people have returned, actual internal doses to individuals are determined for whole-body counting and bioassay data.

These results are

combined with environmental data on the external radiation environment

to complete the total dose assessment picture.

Select target paragraph3