

During the approximate period 1962-1975, AEC and NV industrial
safety policies, regulations and procedures, in general, were
rigorously applied to Pacific Operations, at least insofar as AEC
and AEC contractor personnel safety was concerned.
A lesser concern
was seemingly exhibited toward the application of AEC loss-ofproperty related safety policies and this was perhaps practical.
NV concern, however, about contractor personnel safety from potential
radiation hazards at JA during at least the latter part of this
period could best be characterized as sporadic and dis-organized.
An example of this disorganization was a quite critical appraisal
of H&N/PTD in 1972, for the lack of an adequate radiation safety
program and documented radiation safety procedures, when in fact

H&N had not even been tasked contractually with providing this
This appraisal was eventually handled as a survey and
never officially closed.
NV Radiation Safety officials finally
assumed the responsibility for developing through REECo a radiation
safety handbook for H&N/PTD in January 1975,

and since June 1975

I have aggressively pursued the finalization of this document.
However, ali we have been able to achieve is a "working draft"
in H&N/PTD hands.
The most recent chapter in the disorganized
manner in which radiation safety matters in the Pacific were and/are
pursued by NV, was the formal Appraisal of H&N/PTD at both JA and
Enewetak for the period FY 1976 to FY 76T, as though they were both
DOE GOCO facilities under total DOE management control.
In an
attempt to correct this error, this Appraisal was retitled a
"survey" in February 1978 by the NV Office of Safety, but let stand
in final form.
It was this last action that prompted me to request
NV management review of safety.
In December 1976 JA and Hawaiian Area facilities were removed from
the list of GOCO facilities.

Since 1973, the following appraisals, surveys, trip reports, etc.
have been issued by NV Safety and Radiological Divisions together
with my comments.


Report of Pacific Operations Trip, March 12-26, 1974,



Occupational Safety and Fire Protection.

This was a Joint DOD-AEC Personnel Utilization and Manpower
Requirements Survey of PTD at JA.
Concluded that safety
mission is being properly performed and no recommendations
were made.


Select target paragraph3