




Release of Argus Scientific Results

We regret that unknown persons gave out information prematurely and
selectively to a single newspaper about the Argus experiments.


unauthorized step removed the decision on release from the orderly pfocezses
of Government. It is clear that whoever made this information prematurely

available did so without any authorization on the part of the Government.
In my judgment it is not in the over-all interest of the United States i
individuals to decide, on their own, whether and when restricted material
should be made available to the press.
On the one hand, the Argus experiments were of direct military interest.
On the other hand, they offered a major opportunity to acquire considdrable
basic geophysical data of importance to all scientists participating in the
International Geophysical Year.

It had been planned to make the scieytific

data available to the scientific cormmunity.

Because of the considerable

quantity of data collected during some 250 passes of the Explorer IV satellite,

the past half-year has been occupied with the reduction and evaluation|of
these data in order to assess matters of military importance and to edparate

out those of special scientific significance.
Responsible scientists who had been advising on the project originally
recommended the classification and restrictions on the publication of fhe
information and were advising with Government officials about the material

that could be appropriately made public and when it should be made public.
There has been no withholding of fully evaluated scientific re sultd,


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