essed Order number Item 150. 110. sets with 1OFRICHALUSE ONLY 940406-171827 VOOR 7% 1 REPORT NUMBER PRIMARY TITLE (M) WT--1302 Blast measurements on a medium-yield surface burst. Project 1.2 [of] Operation Redwing. Final report 72. PERSONAL AUTHOR/AFFIL Broyles, C.D. Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, NM (United States) 710. CORPORATE SOURCE 371. PUB. DATE (YYMMDD) 600125 34. CLASSIF. LEVEL TEXT Unclassified 950. ABSTRACT Overpressure and dynamic pressure were measured as a function of time and distance (690--3,250 surface burst (Lacrosse) of a medium yield. feet) ona Overpressures were measured with ground baffles and pitot-static gages. A precursor formed but died out at an unusually high overpressure of between 35 and 55 psi. The usual high dynamic pressures associated with precursors were observed. Outside of the limited region in which the precursor existed, the overpressure and dynamic pressure measurements were in agreement with previous measurements 801. KEYWORD(S) on surface bursts. They were consistent with the free-air values for 1.6 times the actual yield of 39.5 kt. LACROSSE BURST;BLAST MEASUREMENTS; PEAK PRESSURE STUDIES; TIME DEPENDENCE; PRESSURE-DISTANCE STUDIES; PRESSURE MEASUREMENT Item 150. 110. REPORT NUMBER 72. 710. PERSONAL AUTHOR/AFFIL Klein, M.P. CORPORATE SOURCE California Univ., PRIMARY TITLE (M) WI--649 Fallout gamma ray intensity. Project 5.3 Operation Ivy Lawrence Radiation Lab. Livermore, CA [of] (United States). 371. PUB. DATE (YYMMDD) 580100 34. CLASSIF. LEVEL TEXT Unclassified 950. ABSTRACT Measurements of the intensity of fallout gamma radiation as a function of time and distance from the Ivy Mike and King shots are reported. Instruments were placed around Eniwetok Atoll and at several atolls ina southerly semicircle with respect to Eniwetok. Contrary to expectations the winds prevailing at the time of the Mike shot were south or southeasterly and ro fallout gamma radiation with the limits of detectability was measured at any location other than Eniwetok. The gamma radiation measured on Eniwetok Atoll was considered normal fission fragment radiation which decayed with a 5003315 OFFICIAL USE ONLY