Brig. Gen. K. E. Fields

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Some of the factors which will be considered in the study are:

Have the requirements and reasons for establishing the
continental test site changed since its establishment?


What types of devices do we expect to test?


Will future devices which will be tested at NPG create
new problems? Increase the magnitude of present problem?
Will decision as to type and size of test devices be
governed by limiting site conditions? If so, what are

the limiting conditions?


What are the existing problems?

(Under this factor the

following should be covered:. Contamination in the test
area; radiation hazard to general public; claims arising
from physical damage and radioactivity, and public attitude to continental tests.)


What steps can we take to eliminate or minimize existing
and anticipated health and public relation problems?


What steps can we take to minimize contamination, both
in the immediate test area and dff-~-site?


What steps can we take to improve decontamination


Will limitations at NPG dictate its abandonment in favor
of a more suitable site, in the foreseeable future?

The group will probably require experimental testing of procedures

to minimize contamination.

Therefore, to permit inclusion o8 such

testing in Upshot/Knothole, and to permit final decision on the

Operational future of Nevada Proving Grounds at an early date, I

intend that the group be activated as soon as possible, with an
interim report to include recommendations as to methods of alle-

viating contamination problems to be submitted prior to March l,

Your assistance in presenting this plan to DBM and DIS and in
selecting the individuals to serve as DMA, DBM and DIS representatives will be appreciated. With your concurrence, I will contact
directly Dr. Lang, of UCRL, with regard to their representative.
Any suggestions
commentsyoumay-eaere-toregard to

genérel scopeofthis-studywillalso-ve-eppraciated.
ep I

Fs a


Select target paragraph3