Transuranics in Bikini Lagoon

data to conform

a most important

complicates the
vior of plutonium
ronment. It does
hese data, to prehavior of all pluironment from an
stope of the elesearch is still reogeochemistry of
he coral sections

with Eu (Fig.

55Bu : 239Pu ratio
ises in value with
ears which is the
3 of 5Eu. Simi-

appear to govern

‘ this lanthanide

1, and the way in
> correlates with
sessment of each

that the 244Am in
originates from
soral and also dient. If the envim is from 24!Pu
loes not discrimitransuranics, the
tio in the coral

le growth curve
. 7 are the ratios
1Pu in each coral

ilculated growth

(t) = 1954). Al-

: we find that the
irs, with the ex-

le, are changing
nsistent with the
r, all the values
1954 curve and

1 from a growth

3 or 1958. The
»wth section falls

wowing there was
ly produced dur-

£ we assumethis
1 1958 test series,

e been preferen-

tially enriching ?4‘Am over *41Pu, or the
concentration factor of *#Am must be
greater than plutonium for this marine organism.

Concentrations of several radionuclides
in the sediment from station B-3 are shown
in Table 1. The ratios of *#1Am, ®Co, and

207Bi to 15Eu in the surface 5 cm of the
fine and coarse (>0.5 mm) fractions are
compared to the ratios in the most recent
coral section in Table 7. Both the *1Am :
155Eu and the Co : 7°7Bi ratios in the coral
are similar to those in the sedimentary



Co: 155Eu


*07Bi : 15EFu values are greater in the recent coral than in the sedimentary environment. If the sediments are a_ principal
source now supplying radionuclides to the
lagoon, by dissolution or exchange or other
processes, then wefind that relative to the
sediment the coral does not discriminate
between Eu and *#1Am, but ®Co and

707Bi are greatly enriched relative to 1Eu.
This implies that processes governing the
fate of 1°5Eu in the lagoon are similar to
those for ?41Am. From the above comparisons, and the concentration factor arguments, we may discountthe possibility that
the source of the radionuclides in this particular coral that we analyzed is in trapped,
previously resuspended, sedimentary material. The coral is functioning rather as an
indicator of the aquatic environment.
In an attempt to see whether a naturally
occurring radionuclide could be used to
confirm the age of the coral sections, we
separated from the coral and measured the
210Po, the daughter of 2!°Pb (#12 = 22 yr).
Provided that the environmental levels of
210Ph are constant, the amounts taken up
by the coral reflect the age of any section
relative to the youngest section, because the
concentration within the coral changes due
to radioactive decay. When the activity
levels are corrected to the date of coral
growth (as shown in Table 5), the concentration-time relationship should be invariant. The data from 1966 to 1971 fit this
model very well. The decay corrected
210P9 (71°Pb) concentrations during these
years averaged 0.20 + 0.03 pCi g". In the


sections identified with the test years, however, there are small but definite increases
in ?!°P9 (?!°Ph) concentrations, which cor-

relate in time with the increases noted for
the artificial radionuclides. Several investigators (cited in Beasley 1969) have discounted the possibility that 7!°Pb was
produced from weaponstesting, but the
elevated levels recorded in the coral during
nuclear test series are at least circumstan-

tial evidence that elevated levels of *1°Po
(?°Pb) were present in the Bikini environment during those periods. It appears,
from the later years’ growth, that *1°Po
(7°Pb) levels in coral from remote environments may be used as another means to
date modern coral growth, confirming the
work by Dodge and Thomson (1974) and
Moore and Krishnaswami (1972).
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Coral growth rates using “Ra and *°Pb.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 15: 187~192.

Select target paragraph3