Transuranics in Bikini Lagoon
*39Pu and 0.6 of
ituting these val3.5 years and the
1k. we can com-

reservoir supplythe lagoon. The
‘Pu must have
st 97 total Curies
y 1972,

of this

lost to the lagoon
ansported to the
samples from Bi-

for *41Am and a
total amount of
cm of sediment

Ci and represents
' the total activity
npublished data).
1 ratio in samples
omponents from
was 0.74+0.17.

is constant over

ve estimate there
Pu inthe surface
nt. This source
cient to account

Pu reservoir pre-

> of the reservoir

substantially less

‘contained in the
- sediment alone,
< whether new or
asses will act on

> future (equivahan constant k,)


240Pu in the atoll
ilable to the wa-

sms of the lagoon.

-On the basis of
the four most re-

he average water
1 and Sr given
-oncentration faces in Bikini coral
% and 11 x 103.
ral sections aver-

The specific acs 0.072 pCi mg;

its specific activity in the Bikini Lagoon water, assuming an average of 8 mg literof
strontium in seawater (Goldberg et al.
1971), is 0.071 pCi mg”. The Sr therefore is incorporated by the living coral
polyps in direct proportion to its concentration in the water andthere is no discrimination between Sr and stable strontium.
The concentration factor for Sr is in good
agreement with the average specific activity of 37 +10 pCi g™ strontium in recent
coral surface sections from Enewetak reported by Knutson and Buddemeier (1973).
If the stable strontium in coral is 8.9 mg
g1, the Sr concentration is 0.33 pCi g¢7?
coral. Based on our average 1972 concentration of Sr in water (0.33 pCi liter)
at Enewetak (Noshkin et al. 1974), the
concentration factor in Enewetak coral is
1.0 x 103.
Our computed 7%°74°Py concentration
factor agrees well with the results of Imai
and Sakanoue (1973) who reported a concentration factor of 1 to 2 x 10° for fallout
239 240Py coral collected from Yoran Island
(27°04’N, 128°25'E). The similar values
in corals from different environments with
different levels of contamination indicate
that coral species take up ®°Sr and 29°24°Pu
in proportion to the concentration in the
water; therefore they serve as excellent indicators for environmental levels of these
Values of 370 and 9,400 fCi literfor

S0Sr and 137Cs were reported from a single
filtered midlagoon bottom water sample
collected at Bikini in August 1964 (Welander et al. 1967). In our November 1972
filtered midlagoon bottom water sample
(Noshkin et al. 1974) we detected 315 and
340 £Ci liter? Sr and 187Cs. The similarity in the ©Sr values after decay correction showslittle change in the lagoon concentration at a specific location over the
8-year period. Our coral record over the
same period confirms this observation.
Again we must conclude that the mechanisms now releasing °°Sr and, as the coral
record indicates, plutonium nuclides and
lanthanides as well, are supplying these radionuclides to the lagoon at a rate that will


only slowly change the lagoon concentration with time.
Specific radionuclides in the coral section—Precise measurements of *°Pu, **°Pu,
and *41Pu were madein nearly all sections
by mass spectrometry. Small, but nevertheless significant, changes are noted in the
240Py ; 239Py activity ratios (Table 3, Fig.

5) in the coral sections. The average **°Pu:
239Pu activity ratio was 0.77 + 0.07, the

range from 0.57 to 0.88. In each post-test
series year, 1957 and 1959, the ratio was

reduced to an average of 72% of its test
year value. In 1960 it increased by 20%
over the 1959 ratio and has since changed
by no more than +10% of the 1960 value.
Assuming that the coral does not discriminate between the same chemical

forms of 241Pu and 28°Pu, we found more
variation in the activity ratio, as a function

of time, than was anticipated. If both isotopes are released to the environment at
the samerates, the ratio change in the coral
sections should follow a 14.3-year decay
curve (Fig. 5). An inspection of Fig. 5 and
Table 3 will show that the 241Pu : 7®Pu de-

cay-corrected ratios in the test year
growths, 1954, 1956, and 1958, are lower

than any extrapolated post-test year ratio
would predict. These differences in test
and post-test year ratio can only be explained if the plutonium isotopes had different ratios, in unique chemicalor physical
forms, after production. A smaller amount
of soluble 24!Pu relative to 2°°Pu was deposited in the lagoon water during the
years of the test series while relatively more
*41Py ended up in the atoll reserviors that
now supply both ?41Pu and ?#°Pu to the lagoon.
Even more significant are the variations
with time in the 7°8Pu : 28°Pu values. In 17
Bikini water samples collected during 1973
(Noshkin et al. 1974), the average 758Pu :
239.240Py ratio was 0.018+0.006 (range
0.011-0.026). In the three most recent
coral growth sections the average ratio is
0.040 + 0.005. The plutonium concentration factor based on *8°Pu is higher than
the computed value using 79924°Pu concen-



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