1.8.5 Selection of Radionuciides.

The radionucildes chosen for determination from the

particle samples were thoge of greatest concern in worldwide fallout, namely, Sr” and Cs’,

plus a sufficient number of others to provide basic data for further investigation of fractiona-

tion. In the latter category were Sr*’, y*!, Mo’, Cs'™, ce, Euand u"", The members

of this group existed in a variety of forms, ranging from gaseous to relatively nonvolatile species,

. during the period of condensation from the flreball. Ca‘’ was determined in conjunction with
elemental analyses for calcium and sodium to help in tracing the behavior of the environmental
material that forma the major part of the fallout particles.

_. Analyses for I'S‘, which were tentatively planned originally, were not carried out because

of the limited analytical personnel available, the uncertainties of sample collection for this
nuclide, and the relatively lesser interest in its ultimate fate.


Select target paragraph3