Recent investigationa (Reference 16) have shown that biological availability ls analogous to

solubility in 1 N HCl. Debris from megaton-range bursts is 99 percent soluble in 1 N HCl, tndependent of shot environment.
1.2.2 Cloud Development. During the later stages of existence of the fireball, it is transformed into a vortex ring whose rotational velocity persists up to the maximum cloudaltitude,
at least for the larger shots. The vortex contains the fission products, environmental material,

and bomb components that were present in the fireball and is the site where the radioactivefallout particles are generated.

The cloud continues to rise until its buoyancy is reduced to zero

by adiabatic expansion, entraining of cold air, and loss of energy in overcoming atmospheric

drag (References 17 through 19).

The diameter of the ring increases rapidly during the ascent,

and the cloud spreads out laterally to a large area as its upward velocity decreases. For smaller yields the cloud stops at the tropopause or below, but for megaton~range yields the top may
penetrate several thousand feet into the stratosphere. The time to maximum altitude is somewhat less than 10 minutes.
A knowledge of the distribution of activity and particles within the stabilized cloud is needed
for the establishment of a rational fallout model; however, the collection of a suitable set of
samples that could be used to determine these quantities experimentally presents a formidable
operational problem that has not yet been solved. Several distributions have been assumed in
an effort to matchthe fallout patterns on the ground, but it is not known how closely these models

correspond to the actual structure of the cloud.

Considering the method of formation, it might

be anticipated that the activity would be greatest in an anchor ring centered on the axis of the |


Some evidence for this structure was obtained during Operation Redwing with rockets

with telemetering ionization chambers (Reference 20).
1.2.3 Transport and Distribution. During the ascent of the nuclear cloud, the particles are
acted on by body forces and by the vertical currents in the rising air. Someof the large parti-

cles will be heavy enough so that they will have a net downward velocity even though the cloud

as a whole is moving upward. They will contribute to the fallout in the immediate vicinity of
ground zero (Reference 21). During this time, volatile fission products may be fractionated
from less volatile fission products by a kind of fractional distillation process within the hot
Once the upward motion has ceased, the particles in the cloud will begin to settle out at rates

determined by their density, dimensions, and shapes and by the viscosity and density of the air
(Reference 22). The terminal velocities for small spheres can be accurately calculated when
the dependenceof the drag coefficient on Reynold’s number is known. Irregular or angular particles will fall more slowly than spheres of the same weight, but their velocities cannot be

estimated as well because of uncertainty in the shape factors (Reference 23}.

The particles that make up the local fallout follow trajectories to the surface governed by
their fall races and by the mean wind vector between their points of origin in the cloud and the
ground level. Locations can be specified by reference to a surface coordinate system made up
of height lines and size lines. The height lines are the loci of the points of arrival of all particles originating at given heights on the axis of the cloud. The size lines connect the arrival
points of particles of the same size from different altitudes. Time and space variation of the

winds will change the magnitude and direction of the mean wind vector, and vertical motions in
the atmosphere will alter the falling rates of the particles. Corrections for these effects can
be made when adequate meteorological data is available.
The local fallout, as defined here, will be down in 4.5
gate of particles ranging from about 25-micron diameter
shots the majority of this will be in the troposphere, but
portion will be deposited in the stratosphere. Hence, in

days or less, leaving aloft an aggre~
down to submicron size. For small
for megaton-range yields a large prodiscussing worldwide fallout, it is de-

sirable to consider it as subdivided into two classes identified as tropospheric (or intermediate)
fallout and stratospheric (or delayed) fallout (Reference 24).

Select target paragraph3