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Upton, New York 11973


Safety & Environmental Protection Division

(516) 345-4210

November 30, 1977

Dr. George Voelz
Division Leader, Health Research

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
P., O. Box 1663
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

(H Division)

Dear Dr. Voelz:

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks, though
delayed, for the opportunity to attend the Hazardous Waste Disposal
It was a very fruitful one in every sense of the term.
would also like to express my thanks to Dr. Healy, Dr. Agnes Stroud and
all of you for making the Conference a rewarding one. My thanks to
Mr. Larry Wangen, Dr. Dave Curtis and his colleagues, Mr. R. Weeks and
Mr. R. Peters for providing me the opportunity to look at your Bioassay

Lab and for all the helpful suggestions and procedures in Plutonium


It was indeed a pleasure meeting you in Livermore.

In continuing our efforts to have the urine samples, collected in
our Marshall Island projects, analyzed for Pu and other radionuclides
like 24lAm and 137cs, I took the opportunity during my visit to your
Laboratory to discuss with Mr. Weeks the possibility of doing such analyses by your Lab.
It was decided that I write to Mr. Weeks on my return
to Brookhaven National Laboratory.
However, on my return, discussions.

held with Drs. Conard (BNL) and Weyzen (DOE-Wash. D.C.) it was decided

that Dr. Weyzen would talk to you about the possibility of doing the
urine samples for us (BNL), and that I should write to you directly in

this matter. When I met you at the Livermore meeting, I had mentioned
_ that such a letter was on the way. However, Mr. Meinhold felt that the
letter should wait for my return from Livermore, as certain details such
as number and frequency of samples werenot yet available.
I am rewriting the letter with the required information.



We expect that the number of samples to be about 80 per year.

The volume per sample may vary from 4 liters to 20 liters depending
on duration of the sampling period (per sample), that is, sample

collected during our quarterly visit to the islands or sample collected over a period of three months.


The pH of the samples will be

adjusted to pH 2 usinghydrochloric acid.
The samples will be sent to your Laboratory every three months,
however, the total number per year will not exceed 80.


Select target paragraph3