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Personnel Dosimetry.

Each member of the team will be provided one or

more personnel dosimeters to be worn throughout the stay at Bikini Atoll.
These devices will be processed at the first opportunity and records will

be prepared showing the dose received and the itinerary of the individual
wearing the dosimeters.

Where practical, each member of the team will

arrange for whole body counting for 137¢s prior to departure and again upon
return. These measurements will be included in the records of measurements

obtained by the team,

Special Measurements. A return to Bikini Atoll will undoubtedly result in
some modification of the radiation environment. It is desirable to take
account of this fact in any estimates of exposures that may be received.
For instance, the clearing of vegetation for a village site may have a
significant effect upon external radiation levels in that area.

Such vege-

tation provides shielding against radiation from radioactivity in the environment.

However, there may be a contribution to the external radiation field

from radioactivity in the vegetation.


Measurements of gamma and beta-gamma radiation will be made at ground
level and at three feet before and after removal of vegetation.


measurements will be made in conjunction with another study, based on
agricultural considerations, to determine the weight of vegetation per unit

Ideally it would be desirable to remove the vegetation in a large


circular area within the village site on Bikini Ax Island.

From a practical

viewpoint, the size of the cleared area will be determined by the physical
ability of those who perform this And available equipment. A single area

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} 3728) alos POW §

Select target paragraph3