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in making measurements at such low levels in the field, it is highly desirable to have a redundancy in measurements and in instrumentation.


ering that there will be degrees in mobility among any future residents,
as a function of age, sex, etc., it is necessary to collect data for a number

of locations within the Atoll with particular attention given to possible
village sites on the larger islands.
Types of Measurements.


To provide a redundancy in types of measurements

for the two main islands of Bikini and Enyu, measurements will be made by

use of both portable hand held (beta-gamma) instruments and by dosimeters
such as the thermoluminescent type throughout locations determined to be
The type, number, ard source of Ansix
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potential village sites./Where possible, both types of measure


also be made at locations where soil samples are collected to provide for
a@ comparison between measured levels of gamma radiation and gamma levels
predicted from soil radionuclide determination.

Area coverage of gamma

and beta-gamma levels over these two islands will consist of measurements
at the surface and three feet above the surface by portable hand held instruments.

One or more lines of measurement locationswill be establiched across

each of the two islands with at least one such line at or near the geographic


‘ midpoint.

The exact locationd”and number of transects will be determined

on-site considering the impediment of vegetation andthe time available.
Other measurement points will be selected along the length of each island,

available time.

Where possible monitoring at each point will consist of




the number and location determined on-site considering accessability and


Select target paragraph3