

‘construction of new cisterns and inmending of leaking ones there should be
ample catchment water for drinking and cooking.
life offers no radiation problem.

Coconut crabs (see Table 5) appears

to be high enough in activity to be avoided.
any event.

Consumption of marine

They are quite scarce in

Further analyses of local products (pigs, chickens, vegetables,

etc.) have not been completed. “owever, it is reassuring that the present
consumption of available local foods and ground water based on these findings, have not raised body burdens of radionuclides above the low levels

The direct measurement of radiation levels in the people living on
Bikini is the critical test of radiological safety.

The exposure of the

people there, based on the present living pattern, are in the permissible
range and as pointed out lower than some other communities in the world.
As was pointed out radiation exposure is so low on Bikini that medical
effects would not be discernable in this population (see ERDA letter of
June 27, 1974 from Mr. J. Liverman to Mr. Chips Barry for estimated effects).
We believe that continuation of personnel monitoring is important, however,
to maintain a close check on the radiological status of the people.


negative findings are important reassurance for the people living there.


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Robert A. Conard, M.D,

Sept. 19, 1975

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