Transport -~- Aquatic Ecosystems & Food Chains -INIS Subject Categories: B33* -- Atmosphere C22 -- Radionuclide Ecology 10/5/819 00726621 (Item 519 from file: (-1987) 103) INS-81-003992; EDB-81-034875 Title: Geochemistry of transuranic elements at Bikini Atoll Author(s): Schell, W.R. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle); Lowman, Marshall, Title: R.P.; Hanson, W.C. (ed.) : Transuranic elements in the environment Publisher: Technical Information Center,Oak Ridge, Publication Date: 1980 p 541-577 Document Type: Analytic of a Book Language: English Journal Announcement: EDB8103 Subfile: INS (US Atomindex input); TIC (Technical F.G.; ) TN Information Center). Country of Origin: United States Country of Publication: United States Abstract: The distribution of transuranic and other radionuclides in the Marine environment at Bikini Atoll was studied to better understand the geochemical cycling of radionuclides produced by nuclear testing between 1946 and 1958. The reef areas, which are washed continually by clean ocean water, have low levels of radionuclide concentrations. Radionuclides are contained in fallout particles of pulverized coral. In the water these particles may dissolve, be transported by currents within the Atoll, or enter the North Equatorial Current by tidal exchange of water in the lagoon. The transuranic elements are distributed widely in sediments over the northwest quadrant of the Atoll, which suggests that this area serves as a settling basin for particles. The distribution of plutonium in the water column indicates that plutonium in the sediments is released to the bottom waters and then is transported and diluted by the prevailing currents. Upon interaction with the lagoon environment, plutonium occurs in several physicochemical states. Laboratory tests and field studies at Bikini show that approximately 15% of the plutonium is associated with the colloidal fraction.; Major Descriptors: *TRANSURANIUM ELEMENTS -- GEOCHEMISTRY Descriptors: AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS; BIKINI; CORALS; FALLOUT DEPOSITS; NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS; PLUTONIUM; REEFS; SEAWATER; SEDIMENTS; WATER CURRENTS Broader Terms: ACTINIDES; CHEMISTRY; CNIDARIA; CURRENTS; ECOSYSTEMS; ELEMENTS; EXPLOSIONS; FALLOUT; GEOLOGIC STRUCTURES; HYDROGEN COMPOUNDS; ISLANDS; MARSHALL ISLANDS; METALS; MICRONESIA; OCEANIA; OXYGEN COMPOUNDS; TRANSURANIUM ELEMENTS; WATER Subject Categories: 500300* -- Environment, Atmospheric -- Radioactive Materials Monitoring & Transport -- (-1989) 510300 -- Environment, Terrestrial -- Radioactive Materials Monitoring & Transport -- (-1989) . 520302 -- Environment, Aquatic -- Radioactive Materials Monitoring & Transport -- Aquatic Ecosystems & Food Chains -- (-1987) INIS Subject Categories: B33* 10/5/820 00726452 -- Atmosphere -- Land -- Radionuclide Ecology (Item 520 from file: 103) AIX-11-565378; EDB-81-034706 Title: Way to the extinction of nuclear weapons, Title: Hiroshima~Nagasaki no genbaku saigai Publisher: Iwanami Shoten,Tokyo, Japan Publication Date: Jul 1979 p 385-484 Document Type: Analytic of a Book Language: Japanese Chapter 4 9003918 B31 C22 Journal Announcement: EDB8012 Subfile: AIX (non-US Atomindex input). Country of Origin: Japan Country of Publication: Japan Abstract: The atomic bomb disasters in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are reviewed,