AC4 &




Wy Oct 1972

Jack Tobin:

A@ you cm az0 froa tho Iniwotok Survey Plan, it is our intent to
obtain sufficient data fron the total enviromiant so that an assesmiant

can be mais of the radiological inplicationa of the rosldual radioactive

moatarials for future inhabitants. We have plained a fairly couprenensive
nearing, terrestrial, air, and biota sigtding od malysis pro jran ‘in

order that we may evaluate all conecivable population dose pathwayse
in order that wo may inaure further that wo ares addrogsing the

specific neods of the tiarshallego poople in this survay and assesmiont

I would a, preclate 16 if you would prepare the following informatl on
for mas

LePomlation distribution for those who are oxpocted to rehabilitate

the atoll (Total numbora of adult males ond fonales, total numbers of

minor males and females).


2.Social and political organization 9faailios (sic7 scattered over

mony islais? Cluster Living?).
3. Probable islands to be inhabited and/or cultivated and traffic
pattems botwoon thon.
4.Living habits of the people, including averaze curreat dist in

as mich datall as possible. If thoir current diet differs in my
simnificant way from that which you are roasonably sure thoy will have
on iEniwetok please point out the differunces,.

I enticipate that this information will be used as m esscntial
part of the report we will write on the gurvoy and this rauiolo:sical
asnecsamit. It should thorefore be aa conzlete as possible and be
propared in a written form that you consider appropriate for wide

distribution. Since wo wish it also to be as accwrate as possible

you nay profer to walt until you can discuss our neods with the

Jiarshnlless on Majure cand Ujilegz bofore preparing any written

eopaaton for inclusion in our roport. (Thay may wish to contribute


I Wish to anphasisze that this inforwation doas not constitute a

plen for rehabilitation nor 1s it any way a cosmitmont by you or




a4. 40





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the liavshallese for future action. it is simply a guide to uss so that we
oan have greater confidence that we are conducting tha nost appropriate
survey possible.
Waltor £.iervik
Technical Director
iminvetek Survay Prograa

Select target paragraph3