MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNC aoae CLINICAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION RESEARCH UNIT eT? Felephone -- DEAn I31] WESTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL, Ext: 49 CREWE ROAD. EDINBURGH, 4. WMC-B/DM Dr. By. Air-mail, 8th Sent. 1960. %.P. Cronkite, Division of “xperiment3] Patholocy, Medical Research Center, Brookhaven National Leboratory, nsssociated Universities, Inc., UPTON, LONG ISLAID, N 2 7 YORK, HAF BEST COPYAVAILABLE Dear Gene, J enclose the copy of the to the “Lencet", carried the text of a naver we have first sent off T thavrght this would in’erest you os we have initial observations of Fliedner, yourself 3n? bit further by doine serial chromoscme counts on the others 4 irrudiated individual. The result, a mee eet effect with 2 frankly, has sursrised us and tha mapnitude of the sinele excosure of 250 rats to the skin over the svinal column gives grounis for hoping thet we may make observations over quite a ranve of lose, sincerely, ‘ (pee | ; f (ed Wichwek| Ce ’ jd en c¢ fo. satee aut! fmyF jos wet US DOE ARCHIVES 326 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION RG _QOE HISTORIAN Cu'lecticn Box Folder awe —_———— Canoe UALTH & SARE| (DRM) //32 3379 #9 DOE ARCHIVES