-3Several items of general interest were considered in the executive

Dr. Dunham advised the ACBM of the FY 1967 appropriation for
DBM and of the FY 1968 budgetary outlook.
He noted that
there were no construction items in the proposed FY 1968
The Committee voiced its concern about this, particularly in regard to the continuing need for facilities to
accommodate scientists now being trained.


Dr. Dunham indicated that the ACBM may be asked for an opinion
regarding the repopulation of Bikini.
He referred also to:
the interest of the Institute of Child Health and Human
Development in the DBM program in this area; the ALE Project
(Arid Land Ecology); the recent meeting on the gastro-intestinal
tract at Hanford; and his recent trip to the USSR.


Dr. Totter provided the Committee with a resume of the development and differentiation conference at DBM last summer.
was noted by the Committee that this area should represent a

major objective for DBM and that the Commission should be
advised of this.


Dr. Bruner described his recent trip to Korea in which he parti-


Dr. Edington brought the Committee up to date on the irradiated
sucrose problem and plans for a comprehensive study at ORNL.


Commissioner Nabrit expressed his desire for a close relationship of the ACBM and the Commission.
He invited the Committee
to suggest individuals who might succeed Dr. Dunham as Director
of DBM upon his retirement in June 1967.
Commissioner Nabrit
indicated that there was no absolute necessity for an individual
with clinical training; a broad background and talent for leadership were more important, in his view.
[In follow-up of this
discussion, the ACBM agreed that Dr. Totter would be an appropriate
successor to Dr. Dunham.
Other possibilities will be examined and
the members of the Committee were asked to communicate their
suggestions to the Chairman.

cipated in a symposium on nuclear medicine.
ABCC in Japan.

He also visited

The Minutes of the 114th meeting were approved as circulated.
liéth meeting will take place in Washington, D. C., on January 13-14, 1967.
The schedule for subsequent meetings is:
March 10-11, 1967,
Berkeley, California; May 12-13, 1967, Rochester, New York; June 9-10,
Washington, D. C.


Respectfully submitted,


Harvey M. Patt, Scientific Secretary,
Advisory Committee for Biology & Medicine


Select target paragraph3