sufficiently concentrated.


It seems likely that

the occurrence of fallout would haveto be visible
to result in such damage. | For example, in the
Marshall Island experience, the extent and severity of the skin lesions were directly related
to the amount of visible fallout and on Utirtk,

the least contaminated island of the inhabited
croup no fallout was visible and no beta lesions
of the skin developed.
The particulate nature of the material produces spotty distribution on the body. The
Marshilleso clatmed that the material adhered
closely to the skin and was difficult to brush
off. This was borne out by the difficulties of
complete decontiumination. Arenas of the body
where perspimlion is grenter such as the neck
folds, axilfnge, antecubitnl fossac ete. caused
the materia} to stick and lesions were more
predominant in these areas. The hair tended
to collect the material also, particularly in
view of the coconnut oil hair dressing used by
these people, which made decontamination
extremely difeult. Clothing, even a single
lnyer of cotton material, afforded almost complete protection as evidenced by the fact that.
almost all of the skin lesions developed on
exposed parts of the body. The loose clothing
worn would not have xecounted for more than
about & 25 percent attenuation of the radiation
so that the protection must have been due in
part to the facet that the loosely fitted clothing
tended to hold the radionetive material away

from the skin. Tt is also possible that) the
material did not stick to the clothing as well
ag to the skin,
There are certain bfological factors known to
influence the sensitivity of (he skin to radiation.

Tn addition to species differences, it is known
that the skin of certain parts of the body is
moresensitive than that of others.

Tn general

the thinner-skinned flexor surfaces of the body
are more sensitive than the thicker-skinned
extensor surfaces [16].

This was found to be

true in the Marshallese since lesions were more
prevalent on the front and sides of the neck,
axilla and antecubital fossae. Another factor
is associated with pigmentation of the skin.

J0ESi 13

Darker-skinned pcople, brunettes, are known
to be less sensitive to radiation than blonds or
people with ruddy complexions [17]. A factor
which was pointed out earlicr is that arcas of
the body where perspiration is more profuse
cause the fallout to collect resulting in greater
skin effects.

Sources of radiation to the skin.—Damage to

the skin results largely from the beta component of the fallout in view of the fact that
the beta-gammnratio is quite high. All of the
energy of the beta particles entering the skin
is absorbed in the skin. Soft gamma rays
accounts for some of the radiation dose to the
skin, and the harder gamma rays contribute
least. since they are more penctrating. The
skin dose results from two sourecs of beta
radiation, the fallout material in direct contact
with the skin and the material on the ground.
1. Contact source.—The spotty distribution and particulate nature of the fallout in
contact with skin results in multiple point
sources on the skin. By far the grontest
part of the skin dose comes from this source.
Radiation is largely from the skin surface.
However, tho possibility must be considered
that a certain umount of percutaneous absorption may take place and some penctration into the dermal region via the hair
shafts, sebaceous and sweat glands may
ocenr. Tho Castle fallout: contained about
10 percent water soluble fission products, some
of which might conceivably have been absorbed pereutancously. Whitten et al. [18]
have shown that thorium-x applied to the |
skin results in some percutancous whsorption
and entry into the hair shafts and glands.
We intend to investigate this problem with
fission products on the skin by means
of autoradiography.
2. Ground source.—A certain amount of
the skin dose mayresult from. beta radiation
from the fallout material on the ground.
This contribution is likely to be far less than
that from the cuntact source. The lower
parts of the body will receive the greater
part of this radiation since the beta particles
are completely stopped in 2 meters of air.

Select target paragraph3