DUB sae re af PY 1959 cleanup costs, and the AEC will previde a like
cmon. Jtdis anticicated that the DOD share will be turned ever to

the wc in luc avar fatures however, until this hac been done, DOU

te ee eee eee

funda will not be available for ure.

You are recutrted to designate the Director, Defcenze Atomic Support
Agoncy (DASA) as the DOD Froject Manager for assisting, as authorized,
inthe Dirinl cleans. Based on infor:nal discussions and understandings
with concerned cflfices and agencies of the government, the following
cuiccnce pextains to thin assigninent;
2, The fFroject Manaper (DASSA) wi
Atorsic Iinervy Commirsioa, and the Secre

both the Chair:nan,
of Dafense in accome-

wlichias thig croject, Addilional considerations which are to govern

thie conduct of the project and relationa with tho AUC are contained in
the abiach:ment, An implementing agreement should be negotiated
promvily bomen DASA und the ALC based on existing organizational
ralationchins and use of civilian contract vupport, This agreert¢nt
should be coordinated with my office prior to signing.
b. Tho Project Manager is authorized ta conduct direct liaison
wita the AEC, the Trust Territory Government, the Department of the
Tnicrior, the milllary cervices, and other concerned officce and aucacies
ofthe government, keeping my office informed as appropriate.

ee ee eee ee ee

¢. Policy mattore falling outuide the premiycs contained in this
mermorancurn and iis attachment will be referred to my office for


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Ralph Earle Il

Principal Deputy


ASD/Gen. Counsel

© Ener eg—
Asst. for Atomic



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