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Medical survey of the people of Rongelap and Utirik Islands nine and ten
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Fallout of the cold war.
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Elevation of the serum protein-bound iodine level in inhabitants of the
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Thyroid nodules as a laLe sequels of r~dioact~ve
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fal].out in a Marshall

Aging studies in a Nlarshallese popul~tion
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Iledical Survey of tile People of P.ori:<e
lap and LltiriliIslands Eleven and Twelve
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(l;]rch 1965 and March 1966) .
1?. A. Conarcl, W. W. Sutow, L, ;l. ;flc}-cc,
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J. E. Jesseph, J. B. Dej.sl,er, A. };ir’i)-I:;.
1. Lfin’~i,11. Either and E. A. Gusmano.
BNL l<cpol_L50029 (T-’+4(I),Al]ril , lg{~.

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