
Skin lesims, epilation and nail pigmentation in Marsha llese and Americans
accidentally co~taninatecl i~ith radioactive fallout.
R. A. Conard, N. R. Shulnln, D. A. Wood, C. L. Dunham, E. L. Alpen, and
‘L.E. Browning.
Naval liedicalEesearch Institute and Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory,
NM 006 012. 04.82, 1955.
Response cf htiman beings accic?enrally exposed to significant fallout radiation
from a thermonuclear explosion.
E. P. Cronkite, V. P. Bond, R. A. Conard, N. R. Shulman, R. S. Farr, S. H. Cohn,
C. L. Dunham, and L. E. Browning.
J. Am. Ned. .~s<o~. 159: 430-434, 1955.
Nedical exam!nati.on of the Rongelap people six months after exposure ‘to fallaut
radiation during Operation Castle.
V. P. Bond, R. A. Conard, J. S. Robertson, and E. A. Waden, Jr.
Operatioc Castie Addendum Report 4.1A WT-937, April, 1955.
The effects of fallout radiation on the skin.
U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1956.

AEC-DOD, pp. 135-42,

Response of human beings accidentally exposed to significant fallout radiation
from a tt1ermonucle2.iexplosion (summary) .
R. A. Conard, E. P. Cronkite, V. P. Bond, N. R. Shulman, R. S. Farr, S. H. Cohn,
C. L. Dunham, and L. E. Browning.
Eds. J. S. Mitchell, B. E. Holmes, and G. G. Smith,
o~iver and ~oyd, Edinborough, London, pp. 491-493, 1956.
Nedical survey of the Marshallese two years after exposure-to fallout radiation.
R, A. Conard, C. E. Huggins, A. Lowrey, and J. B. Richards.
BNL Report 412 (T-80), March, 1956.
J. Am. Med. Assoc. 164 (11): 1192-1197, 1957.
Radioactive contamins~ion of certain areas in the Pacific Ocean from nuclear tests,
a summary of the datz from the radiological surveys and medical examination.
Ed. G. M. Dunning.
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, pp. 45-51, August 1957.
March 1957 nedicsl survey of Rongelap and Utirik people three years after exposure
to radioactive fallout.
R. A. Conard, L. M. Meyer, J. E. Rail, A. Lowrey, S. A. Bach, B. Cannon.
E. L. Carter, M. Either, and H. Hechter.
BNL Report 501 (T-119), June, 1958.

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