AEC STAFF COMMENTS ON ALLEGATIONS OF CONGRESSMAN BALOS OF THE CONGRESS OF MICRONESIA 408250 Mr. Bales is speaking presumably on behalf of his constituents of the R Marshalls District including the 239 Marshallese who were exposed to fallout from the Bravo Test of March 1, 1954, on Bikini Atoll. Mr. Bales’ allegations primarily concern three points, (1) that the United States “knowingly and consciously u allowed the people of Rongelap and Utirik .’. to be exposed to fallout from the 1954 weapons test detonation; (2) that the ● Rongelapese have been inadequately compensated monetarily; and (3) that the medical care they have received subsequent to their exposure has been of questionable quality. The allegations also relate to the administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and hence to the Office of Territories, Department of Interior. That Office could be contacted for its views regarding this relationship. To give proper perspective to Mr. Bales” statements, a condensed narrative description of the area and events follows, going into more detail on those items which he specifically decries. A list of references is attached. The first four provide an excellent overview of the Bravo test; two of the four detail the immediate responses and medical c’are provided the Rongelap and Utirik people. The remaining references, not specifically cited, deal with the follow-up medical surveys which became annua 1. The observations have been published without restriction or qualification. t ‘}