


It is suggested that, on one evening during the week of the
meetings, the members of the Commission and Sub-Committees, together with
the members of the Units Commission and Cancer Commission, should meet
at an informal Dinner, Since all members of the three Commissions have

meetings on Thursday, 16th July, 1953, this would appear to be the moat
appropriate day.

Professor J.C, Jacobsen, Honorary Chairman of I.C.RP., has
kindly offered to make the necessary arrangements for the Dinner and has
asked to be informed of the number of participants. Will members,
therefore, inform the Sccretary of I.C.R,P. without delay as to whether

they hope to attend or are unable to do so.

W. Binks,
Secretary, LC.RP.,
17A, Onslow Gardens,

London, S.W. 7.




Select target paragraph3