-28In addition to the scientifie staff seheduled for work in
the field laboratories, plane should be developed ang put into
operstian to add two to four young gen to the field force te
act as aseistents.

These nen night be drewn from the armed

ferees or from among students in diclogy, shamistry, physics,
mediciae, atc.

{t is Believed that the greetest goed would

some from the inelusion of seleeted students on something sini lar to a fellowship Basis to ac

as assistants.

Tne pajor coet cof the field pregrem fas been covered in

the 1955-1956 Dudes “-e the Appliec Pisneries Laboratory.


Planning the yearly program and budget, provision for e field
program of about tre scope of that planned for the spring of

13956 was nade.
Allowanee was not made in the dDudiget, hewever, for the
“Leld seete of tne Bongeiap survey requested during O3toverYoveaper,

1954. ner

°.o- tne special equipment seedest at IML or

she oceanic planxten progres.


Bapgerditures for vhe Rongelag reeurvey

-f 335%

franeportatior Seettie-Banoluly and return

at $259,00

“aad ee

gu , 000 .00

132 Saya at $1.70

224 80

er tiem and personnel empenses


“tai -eizoureement far Rongslap survey



Additiens] squisment fer BEL



Squcmment oc .he aerias planxton progres

3,208 0



Select target paragraph3