

Proposed studies of radioetrontium leveis in crustaceang
Racicetrontium nas deen found to constitute a large pro-

portion (up so SOM} of tne redioaetivity in tne ezosxe.laton of
land sreabe collected at tne Pacific Proving @round.



It is

© (1) scompare radicetrontius ijeveis ia

land creve and marine crustaceans sollected in the fSeGd@, (8)
male field cdeervations of tne Reee@e of land crabe wi@h the
ides of determining tneir princiga? egource or sowees af radic-

strontium, and (3) make determinations of rates of abOuIPpti on
of atronsium oy land crabe at the Bpliied Planeries Leseretory

Coliwetion :° -.zerial for (3) and the field seempuati one
will pe sade eS Zuiwp@ek Atoll.

Gabe for detarainutias of oats

of ssece3tion should Be sollected 23 Kea jalein or at ome stores
amecntaminated atoli for shipment to Seattle.
72 would de 2092 muitadle te condust theese stiudises


-ePies 13 sompleted or iater.

yanfusing effeets of resea.


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sacioisotetes during tne .38t serias



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or eadiolodine of SapBregopo:

meing the i19£4 Castile series a red alga, Aas ragopsis.

goncentrated I~
avout 18.COO times the amount oresent in the

BTS SS AGNg salar ~.

cor algae or land plants did not sace

Select target paragraph3