fhe ake [ te. Auton Betrum Seeratary of Feceign Affairs Gaverawent af the Marehehi Inlands Najuro, Fersheik Islaaia 6960 Deay Hr. Dedbeuim Y vegret that ouyv schedules this sare week did aot permit a meetiag to disesos the wstter ef the prapated wadicak survey of the peopie of Edkisa Atoll, weich you refeed af the Hop 16, 1979, mwetiag with Dee partment of Enerey offfeiels, offielule ef this Denarteent, and rep gesentotives af ether aganedocs, i de vant you te kune chet es beve boen ceaferrivg with tho Department of Eacrgy on thie watter. Eeth of cur Bepertuente herve been waitiog, ce Som extent, fer the raters of Pr. dagh Prate Fram tho hlaréhellc eface wa bellewe that be te tu the best position ta advlee cea tho compssition of a medical tenn ed on other sepecta off what shenld te incisded in an exaainetien. Le is ay enderetendiag that he if returniag te Sew York thio wechead aml we wilh be conferrieg with kim aariy nest veel, At this point, I cenaok give you @ prociac answer an co timing, There any be considareble advsatege in tylag ia euch a eervey with the next quarteriv yisit of the brookhaven tean which would he in September. I xesiiae that you hewn dodieated that the Merebali lelendes Goveromant could assist with legfistic susport, but a Ieesi fold exig shin aighe not Aww the Llaporatory ov other medical aquimnent thet the Dopuremest of Ewarey chip might heawa cvailsble. ie will cake time eles to aeeertla « team vince ite cemeere east plan well in advauce of eauy wieit. Te wookd ba expected that seme midical teas menbera would come fran private hessitals aul con-povrermment institutions. fT would assess that thic type of mekeup of 2 updical teas would be the kind you would deeire. Pleasy be assured thet, while I camnet giwe you « definite raply taday ai te auact tfeing oc ce che makeus of amy aedical team, I can agers ys that fox cus part, wo will gush forward fall etema ahead. Lt ia anticineted that the Beparteont wf Racrgy wllh do Idkewies, and wa will be dn constant contact with thet orqaaisation. BEST COPYAVAILABLE