Vhy do I need to take medicine for my thyroid?
If you had an operation and your thyroid gland was removed, the medicine will

Ij aikuij ke idrak uno kin thyroid eo ao?
Elane kwar mwiymwy im thyroid gland co am cjako, uno in enay komone nerba

to the job that your thyroid used to do. So, you must keep taking your medicine.
‘ome people who did not have the operation also take the medicine so that their
hyroid glands do notgetsick. It is very important that you take your medicineif
ou want to stay healthy.

What will happen to the people who were not exposed to radiation but are now
iving on Rongelap and Utirik?
They don’t have to worry because there is practically no chancethat any ofthe
people will get sick from radiation since thereis so verylittle radiation left on the


Feast - People




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Than ae

nhentthy tan

lap tokjen bwe kwon bok uno ko elane kwokonan bwe kwon ejmur.

Kain rot poison co ear komon naninmij in thyroid ak leukemia?
Naninmyin thyroid eo ibben armij in Rongelap ro car walok potson in nan ir ea
walokjen jorren co ilo thyroid gland jen juon “poison in thyroid.” Ear to an walo
naninmy in. Jejojo ian armij in Rongelap ro car jab walok poison in nan ir ir
einwotjet armijin ailinin Marshall im aolebenlal in ej walok naninmij in thyroi
nan ir, ak ejab jen poison in. Aoleben “poison in thyroid” eo ion Rongelap ea


Nhat kind ofradiation caused thyroid sickness and leukemia?
Thyroid sickness in the Rongelap people exposed to fallout was caused by damage
o the thyroid gland from a “thyroid radiation poison.” It took a long time for the
ickness to show. A few unexposed Rongelap people as well as some people in the
Marshall Islands and all over the world develop thyroid sickness, but it is not due to
adiation. All the “thyroid poison” on Rongelap was gone when the people moved
»ack. Leukemia ts a disease of the blood. Some cases were caused byradiation in
apan andit is possible that
leukemia may have been due to radiation. Time
s about past for any more leukemia to be expected from radiation.

co an kar thyroid gland co. Kin menin kwoj aikuij idrak uno. Jet armij ro tar jal

mwijmwi rej bareinwot boke uno co bwe thyroid koair ren jab naninmy. Ekanc

jako ien eo armij rar drollok. Leukemia ej juon naninmij in botoktok. Jet naninm
rot in ear walok jen poison eo jen Japan im naninmij in leukemia eo an

bolen maronkar walok jen poison. Enanin motlok ien an bar wor leukemia ene
kar walok jen poison in.

Eworta enaj walok non armij ro rar jab jorren ak rej joke kioilo ailin kein?
KominJab inebata bwe ejclok en enaj naninmij jen poison in konke jonon n
eben ion ene kane kio ekanwiyin drik.

Kojkoj in mone - Armij
Rez army in Roneelap. Eman av mour, bareimiwot

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