
i was not exposed to radiation so why do I have to be examined?
The doctors examine people who were not exposed because they need to know
when the exposed people becomesick, if their sickness is caused by radiation or
somethingelse. If you were not exposed and got sick and your brother was exposed
and got the samesickness, then the doctors would suspect that the sickness was not
caused by radiation. You do not have to be examined if you do not want to be.
Remember, though, that you are helping your family and friends when you are
examined. Also, you are receiving a free medical examination bythe best doctors
in the world.

far jab jorren ilo poison eo inem ta unin ao kakolkol?
. Doctor ro rej kaklen armij ro rar jab jorren kinke raikuij in jela nat armiy ro r:
jorren rey naninmij, elane naninmij ko air rej walok jen poison ak bar jet kain mi:
Elane kwarjab jorren im naninmij im likao eo jeim ear jorren im bok eja mi} eo wo
inem doctorro rejela ke mij co ejab walok jen poison eo. Kwo] jab aikutj in kakolk«
ne kwoj jab konan. Kememej bwe kwoj jiban family eo am im ro jeramilo ai
Kakolkol. Bareinwot kwoj kakolkol tm ejelok wonan ibben doctor ro rejelatata io
a] in.


Doctor examines a patient
erou are examined to make sure nothing ts wrong.

Vhy do J have to be examined every year?

Doctors still do not know everything about radiation sickness so they are checking
yu to make sure that you are healthy. They check you every year so that if you are
ck, they can find it early and treat you. Doctor Conard’s team treat many people
ery year, even when the sickness does not come from radiation. The Congress of
icronesia recommendsthat everyone take the examination.


hy are some people becoming sick now 20 years after the test?
The radiation was in their bones and certain parts of their bodies such as the thyd gland. Doctors still don't understand all about radiation disease, ‘That is why






Doctor ej kakilen dri naninmij
Kakilen yuk im keyberok bwe eneyeluk kouotata.

Ij aikuij ke kakolkol aolep year?
Doctor ro rejanin lukunjela kin naninmij in poison in inem rej aikuij in kaklen
yuk im lukun Jale ne emon am mour. Rej kaklen yuk aolep year bwe ne kwonaj
naninmij en mokaj aer lo mij ko am im unok yuk. Team eo an Dr, Conard rey unok
elon armij aolep year, jekdron ne naninmij kein rej jab walok jen poison eo. Konan
eo an Congress of Micronesia bwe aolep ren kakilkil.

Etke jet armij rej naninmij kio elkin 20 year jen ien kokemelmel eo?

Poison eo ear ber ilo dri ko drier im bar jet jikin ko tlo enbwinir, einwot thyroid

gland. Doctor ro rejanin melele kin aoleben wewen poison in. Unin in hwe ren

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