PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED MEPOSITORY AYE LOG coection BOX No. DOLLY Zee F FOLDER Department of Energy “Do c/PASO “ SRpAe 3" [3(0—- MED, Pr Conard “19 Pacific Area Support Office P.O. Box 29939 S9FE 8 JUL 19 1978 Honolulu. Hawaii 96820 | 2 e mf Dear Capt. Robinson: 90-78 cy which requires d bill contains a discrepan nce ere ref ve abo the e iev We bel ° an adjustment. made arrangements aven National Laboratory Dr. Robert Conard of Brookh from the atolls of whereby certain patients with Tripler (Col. Barcia) to receive in the Marshall Islands are Rongelap, Utirik and Bikini d malfunctions. treatment primarily for thyroi Mrs. llese’nurse in their employ, Brookhaven also has a Marsha the guest quarters h the patients and stays at who travels to Tripler wit until they are discharged. guest quarters were e 19 through the 21st the During the period from Jun e with a mad ard arrangements were full and according to Dr. Con for billet bed, al would utilize a hospit Col. Major that Ms. have We se. she was not 4 patient per purposes only, even though this she was formally to accomplish since learned that in order admitted. HL | oas as a patient for which included Ms. We trust that the billing understanding. is nothing more thana mis three days @ $206.00 a day Bill No. 90-78 er und ter we enclose payment Accordingly, with this let e Ms. hav will We days in question. minus $618.00 for the three 50 rate. $4. rd nda three days at the sta reimburse Tripler for these on her return next month. PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED Enclosure: HE&N/PTD Check No. 28616/$22 ,042.00/ _— SURNAME PD a Tost Tr PLO |.....-..--.200.-- pate w |...2/18/78 Form AFC-A1R FRev 9-53) AFOM nan Ww. J. Stanley Director OP-528 HUB: jht OFFICE p “‘W.J. stantey” ES w/o encl ce: Dr. Robert Conard, BNL, C,w/o encl pr. Peter J. Barcia, TAM sitio Saen cadeee MSC Samuel H. Robinson, Capt. ter Cen l ica Med Tripler Army 96859 Tripler AMC, Hawaii BILL NO. 8 4 4 ‘| ,