lL’ - MORE: LAWRENCE RADIATION LASCRATORY . ; ROOM: BLDG.: val Ocveber 27, LOo+ MCV aad at Sh i 2Ot OSUZJiCT: W. B. Reynolds PPG Travel Listed hereunder is operational and advisory PYG travel processed by this office between October 19, and October 23, 1964: AME DEPARTMENT DULY STATION TOUR OF DUTY Carothers, J. E. "rT" Div. Honolulu/Kauai 10/21-26 Amended Smith, Donald 2B. "LE? Div. Honolulu/Johnston Is. 10/1-17 Amended ‘« Operational ao ‘Leonard G. Mark oy Pet tte Se Moe a ae . . ‘ ae ee : poee oye . > . ot Duet mere “os Iwi tle OCT 24 ioe yfPan Fe L UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-—(Letterhead for interdepartmental use} “a OS pb bee ‘7 ~ & ‘ = ° pikyg Lever en gah garteraime * Mee eee . <e RO enerpet ene ee 6 we te ete ey rod