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When the Task Force arrived at Pearl Harbor on 27 May Colonel Cooney,
Canmnder Winant, Lt. Colonel Houghton, Major UcDonnel, Captain Bolen,

Lt(jg) Babcock, YNC Croasdell and YNC Sniley debarked from the BAIROKO to
attend to various administrative mtters in the roll-up of operations,

Lt. Carmander Oldfield was also transferred at this tine to his permanent
duty station at Pearl Harbor.
The balance of TG-7.6 personnel ramiined aboard the BAIROKO on its
trip to San Francisco.

It is planned that the Task Group will dissolve

on 28 May 1948 and that personnel will be released fran the Task Force
upon arrival at their respective permanent duty stations,

Lt, Camander

Campbell will remain at Oakland about one week to supervise disposition of

TG-7.6 mteriel,

Also at Qukland Major Stone will assume custody of all


files and other classified data of the Task Group to be shipped to Washingtan,



Enroute to Pearl Harbor Lt. Canminder Canpbell assistai in the prepara-

tion of a memorandum to CJTF-7 fram CT®7.6 in raply to a previously issued
directive from the Task Force Commander on the subject:
Futuro Atante Tests."

"Roquiranents for

This menorandum was to include personnel, mterial

and logistic requirements to be used as a guide for any sindilar operations

in the future,
On ZESRA-plus-6 the supply section besan taking up the individual equip
ment of the remaining mesbers of the Task Group.

This eqiipuet, alons with

other materiel was packed and marked for shipment while enroute to the United

ALL instruments were packed and crated in special shipping baxes

built to specifications for their shipment.

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Select target paragraph3