

responsibility of organizing a Joint Radiological Safety Group
within JTF-7 for the operational detection and determination of

intensities and types of radioactivity, and the protection of
personnel from its hazards.
In October 1947 Colonel Cooney met with Captain Frank I.

Winant, Jr., USN, Colonel Robert N. Isbell, CmlC, USAF, Dr. Herbert
Scoville, Jr., Lt. Colonel Karl H. Houghton, MC, USA, and Major

William i, Stone, CmiC, USA all of the Armed Forces Special Weapons
Project at the Pentaron in Washington.

At this meeting Colonel

Cooney outlined the proposed plan for the atomic tests and announced
that a Radiological Safety Group would be formed,

On 18 October 1947 General Orders Number 3, Headquarters, Joint
Task Force SEVEN, Washington, D. C. announced the establishment of

the Joint Radiological Safety Group, Task Group 7,6
For a period of about three weeks during the month of October
1947 Colonel Cooney accompanied Lt. General Hull and his party on a
survey of areas in the Pacific.

This was in connection with the

selection of particular ZERO islands » aml Colonel Cooney accompanied
the group to consider radiological safety aspects.
In November 1947 the Joint Proof test Cammittee submitted the
"creen paper" to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

A certain portion of

this paper, dealing with fundamental radiological safety rules to
be employed in SANDSTONE, was drafted by the Staff of the Radiological
Safety Group.

This group originally consisted of Colonel Cooney,

Coomander Winant, Dr. Scoville, Lt. Colonel Houghton, Major Stone,
and Lt, Commander Campbell, USN of AFSWP,

The primary rule included

in this paper was that Conmander, JIF-7 would be responsible for

Select target paragraph3