


CB homies
lay 1

the nilitary services a memorandw: to the Scientific Director was propared on 6 November 1947 requestin; re-consideration of sone of the
disapproved itens.

On the basis of new infornation on tre intensities

involved, Dr. Taylor had indicated that the measurement of the gaura
radiation versus time might be feasible with a ricro-second time


dAlthoush Or. uraves expressed interest in this measurement,

it was decided that sufficient time was not available to have the work
completed by 1 January, and therefore the project was abandoned,


was suggested that Dr. Taylor draw up a detailed program for developing
equipment for this purpose in the event that such measurements might
be desirable in the future.

Or, Graves did agree to Los Alamos

supplying samples of neutron detectors for measurement of the neutron
flux within dug-outs,.

On the basis of the program of 17 October and

Dr. Fracan 's comments, plans were dvawm up for the final prosran of
measurezents to be curried out be the Radielosical Gafety Section.
Collective Protector ond Juscads Ey acter Proj.cts.

After a number of infor. al talks amon; colonel Clarles Louchs,
of the Research and snsineering Civision, Clouic .. vorys,



ta, lanier and kr, Fenjaain of the Gizteal vcoys, anc or. scoville
of the AFSIF a request way made on 7 Uoverntber 19%? for measuring
particle size of cloud miterial,

This equipment was mnufactiured

according to the model desisned by Dr, Harold Hodge, University of
Rochester, with adaptions to mke it satisfactory for-use under
conditions of the forthcoming tests.

In addition, as a result of

conversation with the Corps of Engineers and Chemical Corps

Select target paragraph3