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mino if it is safo to resuno norasl operations in tho opon,


b. Downwind Dostroyurs - If tho downwind dostroyors beccwo involvod
in a radioactive rain storm, all porscnnol should bo sont bolow docks and all
hatches closod.

Tho ship should thon follow a course which fs prodictod to

take it out of the rain aroa as rapidly as possible,

Tho Radiological Safoty

Control Unit on tho AGC-7 will be proparod tc offcr sorvicos in this raspoct,

Aa soon as the rain h * coased, the monitor will chock the exposed surfnees
and recoemor.t hosing down to remevo contaminatod arenas if nocessary.

Ujolang = Upon warning from CJTF-7 that Ujolang lics in a danger

sone, the personnol will board tho LST in properation for possible avacuation,
If subjoctod to radioactivo rain or upon receipt of orders frou CJTF-7, tho
LST will put to soa.

If subjoctod to radioactive rain, personnel will all go

below and all hatchos will bo closud.

Whon the rain has ceased, the monitor

will check tho oxposod surfacos and rocommund such decontamination procodures
as appear necessary.

Other ships of the Task Force - Upon rocoipt of warning of danger

ef rodicactive rain, all porsonnel will bo sunt below and hatchos closod,
Ships will take such courses os are proscribed by CJTF-7 in order to remove
then from tho danger eroa as rnpidly os possible,
antil danger is pronounced endod by CJTF-7,

Poersonnol will remiin dolow

Monitors will be dispatched to all

ships subjoctod to rain as rapidly as possible to chock the topside condition,




Select target paragraph3