enter a conteminated areca on a specific day a1
the preceding evening.

ubaitted to CTG 7.6 on

Comnander Task Group 7.6 will report to the Task Force

Commander with copies to Test Director and Scientific Director the names of any
persons who are disqualified for such entry by reason cf previous rediological
Ul individuals or parties entering contaninated areas shall be

socompanied by monitors supplied by the Radiological Safety Group.


will inform persons in charge of parties which they accompany of the radiological hazards involved and when radiation tolerance has been reached.


ings of the Radiological Monitor relative to radiological hazards must be




Prior to debarkation on a contaminated island, the monitor will

check all personnel against the Control List.

He will issue appropriate equip-


This special equinment will include film badges, dosimeters, and such

protective clothing es may be required.

In the cese of urgent work parties,

this equipment will also include gas masks for all personnel which will be worn
if the monitor deems necessary.

Upon completion of work in the contaminated




zone, all persons will be required to surrender film badges and dosimeters to
the monitors and will dispose cf bootees and gloves prior to re-embarkation
as directed.

The monitcr shall monitor clething of all personnel and require

contaminated personnel to disembark at the Radiological Safety Ship when
conditions warrant.

No eating, drinking, cr smoking is permitted in any radioactive

areas until such area has been formally cleared by CJTF-7 and Test Director
upon advise of the Radiological Safety Officer.

Furthermore, no eating,

drinking, or smoking by any person who has been in a radioactive area will be

permitted until the radiological safety monitor has found that person to be

Upon completion of worx in radioactive areas, all dosimeters and

film badges will be read and results recorded.

A report of such results by

the Commander of Task Group 7.6 to the Task Force Coumander, with copies to
Test Director and Selentific Director, will show names of all persons receiv=ing radlation in excess of 0.1 roentgens on any dey of operations and indicate

thereon the total accumulated rad


uch persons to date.


Select target paragraph3