
Detect and determine int

types af redioactivity

encounterod in all radiological arcas,


Organise and supervise decontamination of personnel as necessary.


The following regulations will govern for the safety ‘of

all personnel enturing aress contuning radloactivity or working with radtoactive materials:

Al) such persons shall, prior to departure from the United States,

ruceive a complete physical oxsninetion including chest X-ray, blood count, and
urinalysiss and reports of such examination shall be in the hands of the Ratio-

logical Safety Officer prior to departure.

Frior to final rulease from the

Task Force, personne) shall undergo such further physical uxaminations as the
Radiological Safety Officer may specify.

The permissible radiological exposure is established at 0.1

roontgena per twenty-four (2b) hours.

Under unusual circusstances, the

Seientific Director and the Redlological Safety Officer acy «authorize a total
exposurn: up to three (3) roentgens, with the provision that such persons will

be prohibited from further exposury for a perfod of thirty (30) days.

In the event that any person is found to have exceeded such total

cxpesure, he shall be dented accyss tuo radioactive areas until specifically
cleared by CJTF-7 on advice from the Radiological Sefety Officer.


Work in contaminated areas is divided into two guneral classi fi~

cations, nanely, urgunt work and routiny work.

Urgent work will be authorized

by the Task Force Commander on requust of the Test Otrector.
comfucted Juring a poriof loneuiately following vach shut.

This may be
Upon accamplish~

went of “he special missions ruquirud by this urgunt work, further entry into

contasinated areas will be discontinued until a comprohenstw radiological
survey has been accomplished.

This will consist of a surwy of both Land and

No routine work will de commenced until this surwy indicates acceptable

working conditions.


Nemes of all individuals who are expected to entor radivactive areas

will be submitted to the Commander of Task Group 7.6 (Joint Radiological Safety

Commander Task Group 7.6 will prupar

ist two woeks prior to the test.


Group) in the form of an eligibility

QE Cards on all such personnel.

In addition, a Control [{st containing the unmes of my porsons who expect to

Pain) AOR ree,



Select target paragraph3