

A Standard Operating Procedure on exposure, what rest periods
would be required in the event of over-exposure, and what would actually

constitute over-eqture, was developed by Colonel Cooney and It,
Colonel Houghton.

They also established exposure policies with the

basic forma at 0.1 roentgen per twenty-four hours as maximum except
for certain specific urgent missions where exposure up to 3 roentzens
would be permitted.

In a conference with Dr, Darel K. Froman of the

AEC, Test Scientific Director, it was determined that all missions in-

volving the mximm 3r (3 roentgens} exposure would have to be person
ally approved by Dr, Franan and G lonel Cooney.

No exposure above 3r

would be permitted unless approved by Camamer, JTF-7,

Select target paragraph3