

come. SIFIEL

All films and thermal radiation measuring devices were shipped

te the United States by air.

The LC ("Lame Duck") which had become

contaminated during test YOKE was surveyed and sunk along with the nonsalvagable equipment which it contained,

The test animal containers which

were last used on Aoman Island were removed to the lagoon and sunk.
Laboratory counting of the crater samples and other radioactive materials
will be continued on the BAIROKO until just prior to arrival at the United

Sane of those samples which were sufficiently radioactive and of

particular interest will be shipped to the National Institute of Health for
the use of Cocmander Andrews in contimiing his work,

The slides from the

cascade impactors will be taken by Lt, Commander Campbell to the Army Cheni-

cal Center, Edgewood, Maryland for measurement of particle size with an electron microscope under the direction of Mr. Lanier.
A large amount of data was obtained from the projects conducted by the
Technical Measurements Unit, and only after much work will its true significance be recognized,

Various project officers will continue with the

writing of reports at their respective stations, and these reports will be
suomitted to the Scientific Director by 30 July 1948.

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