ACTION ] ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO (Neme, office symbol or locatien) O0GC: Cho* PE: Geoghegan 2 THITIALS CIRCULATE DATE COORDINATION INITHALS FILE GATE IHFORMATION + a IN} TIALS NOTE AND RETURN rf ‘ EV:{ Liverman CATE ATE OA VERSATION INITIALS BSEE ME 4 DATE SIGNATURE REMARKS Attached for distribution and information are ; /sfed copies of the DOE response to the OMB referral re: f Bikini Atoll *Cindy: Please distribute copies where appropriate (marked with red on the green concurrence). ec: Susan Pearce/Laura Watkins GRABC Do NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disapprovals, clearances, and similac actions. FROM (Name, oltice symbol or location) DATE Kathy Ewing (OGC) - FED/rm 1147 2/23/78 PHONE 566-7090 SPTIONAL FORK 41 AUGUST 1967 GSA FPHA ( 4tCFR) GPO 100-11.208 WS—15—-SL41B+1 410-015 5041-101 401535