of the samples; also be responsible for the analyses of the samples to
assure full interpretation of the data.

in this opinion.

Dunham and Seymour concurred

It was generally agreed that duplicate samples should

be exchanged between laboratories in order to evaluate the variability

of results of analyses made by different labs.

Dunham suggested University of Washington group run urine
samples for Conards group in the future. Held indicated that low level

beta-counter would not be available for about six months.

was accepted as satisfactory.

This time

Conard expressed the desirability of collaborative effort between
the medical and ecological survey groups for the spring surveys.
Conard suggested starting date between 1 - 15 March. Because of
teaching commitments of some U W personnel Conard agreed to try to
set starting date between 15 February and 1 March. Total time of survey
to be about two weeks at Rongelap and 3 or 4 days at Uterick.
Dunning indicated possible usefulness of Uterick data to ecological

surveys in gaining some information on fractionation of fallout.

Dunham stated that efforts should first be made to secure a suitable
vessel from the Dept. of the Navy.
Anton said that under new regu-

lations of "industrial funding’ may require that AEC pay for vessels


Dunham said that decision as to selection of vessel should be

deferred until Conard had received definite word from the Navy.

For the U. W. summer survey at Rongelap use of the ‘Aloto’

assigned to Holmes and Narver seemed most feasible.

Use of this vessel

will cost $1250. 00/day, or about $20, 000.00 for the summer survey.
Dunham said this seemed to be a reasonable expense.

The desirability and difficulties of obtaining human bone samples was


in bone.

Conard has two such samples;

one male, died 1956, 0.35.U..

Conard has also been collecting deciduous teeth.

Bruner explained the necessity for using all parts of teeth for comparative purposes. The cemented portions contain more Sr99 than other

Cohn presented data concerning radioisotopic levels in Rongelapese:
Background of whole body counter for May 1958 shows definite Lal40
peak indicating fallout from Hardtack.

Select target paragraph3