Survey, Cleanup, and Rehabilitation Evaluation
It isrecommeadgedin this context that:
1. The FRC Radiation Protection Guide (RPG's) for individuals should

be used as the basic standard. The requirement is to assure
that exposures for continuous residence in Enewetak Atoll will
be well within the annual and 30-year criterion. While these
are conservative standards from a health view point, there is
no built-in conservatism to account for uncertainty in prediction of annual exposures to individuals. Because of the
complex circumstances of exposure and the many pathways,

each with its uncertainty, the Task Group recommends use
of 50 percent of the FRC annual standards for evaluation of
the many cleanup and rehabilitation alternatives at Enewetak
Atoll. This is not to be viewed as an attempt to establish new
standards but is considered to be a necessary precaution in
the application of current standards. The following valmes apply

‘for evaluation of alternatives:

Whole body ...e-ee ee escneccceceee0. 25 Rem/yr

Bone marrow eeooesescscccccecesee 0. 25 Rem/yr

Bone... scccccccccesccccccccerces OF 75 Rem/yr

Thyroid ...cccecenccccncccsscceee 0. 75 Rem/yr


Ze The Task Group recommends use of 100 percent of the FRC

RPG's to evaluate post-cleanup and rehabilitation and postreturn conditions wherein direct measurementof levels
of radiation and radioactivity in foods and in people are
made. Under such conditions, dose estimates should be
subject to much less uncertainty. The requirement is to
assure that exposures are well within the FRC standards.

See Section A. of this Appendix for the FRC RPG's.

The criteria for evaluating gonadal exposures at Enewetak

eee ss

Atoll should be 4 rems in 30 years. The requirement is to
assure that long-term exposures will be well within this
criteria. The Task Group feels justified in using 80 percent
rather than 50 percent of the FRC standard since there will
be ample time to verify exposure estimates using actual”
sampling of the diet and time to follow the changing pattern

_ of exposures of people.

The recommended

Putin soil

at Enewetak


<40 pCi/g - corrective action not required.


40 to 400 pCi/p - corrective action may be needed. Action
to be taken should be determined on a
case-by-case basis.


c. > 400 pCi/g - corrective action required.

Ate ee ee ee |

Select target paragraph3