
Case 3 is considered to be the -reaponsive t the established
goals and is a balance of the human, physical, an [cost parameters which

must be considered. It is planned to conduct the proposed cleanup,
resettlement, and rehabilitation project as outlined by Case 3. Theestiradiological dose is well below the radiation protection guides —

recommendedthe AEC Task Group; all physical hazards resulting
from past construction and testing will be removed and the cost is well

below the mid point between other viable solutions.

Under the conditions of Case 3, the Enjebi People could not expact

to return to their ancestral residence island of Enjebi at an early time.
This would require both the Enjebi and the Enewetak People to live on land
. formerly owned and occupied by only the Enewetak People. Thus, until
natural decay processes reduce the exposure rates on the northern islands,
there would be less land available for agriculture and some supplement

to the people's diet may be needed.

The people will be subjected to

acceptable low levels of ionizing radiation with a relatively low risk.

Some contend that the(gesidualplutoniumJevele should be established

in accordance with the hot particle theory. Since this theory is controversial, not currently. accepted by existing standard setting authorities,


and results in very severe if not impossible residual limitations for

_ transuranium radionuclides, it has not been applied.

ai 2 &3 the pre-

guarding of the &
y 18 of prime importance, Ac ceptance

The major drawback to Case 3 is that itwouldpermit

schedulingof the planting of crops, the construction of familyand

community housi

andthe resettlement the people onEnjebi Island.—

Welsnrantinhe island ofRunit for an indefinite period.



provide for
quarabtine =ould be enforced by the TTPL, However, it would
the eventual return of the people to Enjebi when the test plantings and
environmental monitoring program indicate that it is safe to do BO.


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Select target paragraph3