

8. Plutoniumcontaminated soil on IRENE should be handled the same as
on YVONNE and using the sama general criteria for removal except it
is not expected that pieces of plutonium metal will be found.
Since it {s recommended that replanting of food crops be limited

to certain islands, test plantings of pandanus, breadfruit, coconut,
and arrowroot should be made, as soon as growth can be assured, on

each of the islands indicated for such crops by the Enewetak people.
As edible parts of these plants become available, their concentrations |
of 905, 13766 | 239,240, and any other significant radionuclides
should be measured and compared with the radiological survey predictions.
These studies will provide for a determination to be made of the
earliest time at which planting of food and commercial crops can
be made on islands other than those listed in 2b. and 2c. above.

10. An underground lens water sampling and analysis program should be
‘conducted in which samples are taken over a period of at least 12

calendar months.

Bacterial content, salinity, and radionuclide content

should be measured, but primary emphasis of the program should be
placed on development of an understanding of processes which are
operating ~- or which can be made to operate - to reduce the ecological


. half-life of 7050 and

13 "Cs

below the radioactive half-life on the

northern islands, especially JANET.




Select target paragraph3