



be conducted such that radiological exposure to cleanup personnel will
be in accordance with applicable regulations.

The composition of the actual —
cleanup work force will


consist of DoD personnel, ERDA contractor-provided personnel, and local

labor (except for the handling, collecting or removal of contaminated


The use of certain equipment and other assets currently

available to the Dol) has been determined by the U.S. Congress to be in
the best interest of the U.S. Government.

Theseassets, to the extent


possible, will be utilize! for the Cleanup Phase.

The engineeringstudy prepared for DNA(Ref b) was an —

island-by-island survey which located and identified man-made structures
and debris.

In addition, it providal instructions concerning disposi-

tion of each of these items which were determined to constitute ahealth
or safety hazard, or to interfere with the reasonable use of the Atoll.
These dispositions were subsequently modified as reflected in the FCDNA
Enewetak Cleanup Master Index dated 7 April 1977.
An Envirormental Impact Statement (Ref c)} was published

which examined five specific alternatives.

Case 3 was determined to be


the most practicable and is the basis for this plan.

In Case 3, non-

contaminated material is stockpiled or disposed of in accordance with
appropriate procedures and contaminated material is placed in a
crater(s} on Runit (Yvonne) Island.




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Select target paragraph3