
sea salt which might unadvertently nave been included at the time

of preservation.

Tne August 1953 samples including preservative,

were ev.iporated to dryness, so that the sample

from Station 7 in-

ciuaging 811% water accidentally used for washing: the plankton bucket,
' Nn
me careful work of br. Renz: cela ay | ,
appeared low in radioactivity.
precess:ng the plankten samples of August 195% +s gratefully acknowledged

Data after 1956 are presented as of the date of counting, rather

than being corrected back to date of collecting as was done for tha

1954-55 macerial.

It is probable that if corrections for decay could

have been applied to the 1956 data the levels on the date of collectlon would have been fourd to be about twice as nigh as those here
given for tne dite of counting,

but data from later collections would

have been practically unaltered.
Results and discussion
Tables 1 and 2 give the plankton data from 1954 to 1958, includ-

ing the v.lues from which Tatle 12 of the preceding report, UWFL-43,
was commtled.


Individual plate values appear in order to show the

degree of virlaollity,

and for 1954-55 to permit comparison of coarse

and fine mesh net samples.

Fadiloacttvity is expressed per unit welght

of both wet plankton and planktcnic ash in order to assess the relative.
Suitir‘iity of tnese tvo buses of reporting results.
. leavels of radioactivity were equilly nigh in coarsenin fine

meshed nets.

The equality prevails on either wet weight or ash weight

amonz the ten pairs of simultaneous tows with coarse and fine



S 4

Select target paragraph3