
region of Kabelle Island in late 1954 and from 1956 to 1957.
Tre «unusual pattern near Kabelle Island is undoubtedly assocdate! witn its geograpnical location.
commer of the atoll,

Isolated in the northeastern

it is so located that unless fallout occurs

directly there, a long time may be required for activity to drift
there bo: lagoon currents.
Kib>lie Island,

Although fallout in March 1954 did hit

the adjacent lagoon area may have been temporarily

refveshed by relatively uncontaminated ocean water entering from

she inter-isiand channels at the time plankton was first sampled
near Kahellie in July 1954.

‘Then, by December 1954 an influx of

contaminated lagoon water could have occurred near Kabelle.
The rise from 1956 to 1957.

probably resulted from a similar

influx near Kabelle Island of contaminated lagoon water,

since in

tais cuse it is fairly certain from data on terrestrial sampling,

that the 1956 fallout did not @ffect Kabelle Island as much as it
did the more southern islands.

Because of its isolated location

this northeast bay of the lagoon may be expected to.vary in the
radlLoactivity of its plankton.

Figure 3 snows, on log-log plot,


the decay patterns of six

Samples counted on more than three occasions.

Ordinal values apply

only to eich curve separately, and do not permit comparison of absolute racitoactivity between curves.
as March 1,

The date of reference is taken

1354 because the detonation of this date is believed to

nave contributed many times as much radioactivity to the atoll as


ep ee


Select target paragraph3